
07 November 2014


Haven't checked in here for a good long while, but I thought I'd drop by for a minute today - only to find that there's something crazy happening with my header and other bits of the design. So I guess that'll be the kick in the pants that I need to get things spruced up. It's been a pretty crazy year here - we bought an old creaky house in Salem and have a super active toddler overrunning it at all hours, among other things. There are exciting fibery things happening as well, including but not limited to a couple of recently published designs and a whole pantload of upcoming ones. And I learned to spin over the summer! If we're being real here (and really, let's) I probably won't get things looking pretty/make some platform decisions/generally have any idea whether my head is attached to my body until January at least. But I do like the exercise of writing words if nothing else, so I'll try to at least do a bit of that. Plus I should probably get on the self-promotion and pop up a couple of dedicated design posts. 

And now it's off to load an ornery almost-2-year-old into the car! He is not impressed.

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